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  1. Biomass Burner


Biomass Burner

The time was over that fossil fuel was required for burners. Meiwa's burner is next generation burner using pellets and woody chips as hear source. New product in 2017!

  • Biomass Burner


  • Notably reduced the costs of fuel. Woody chips and pellets are available as fuel instead of heavy oil and kerosene which requires high-running costs.
  • This burner is configured to reuse the gas coming from carbonization process in order avoid smoking as of operation.
  • Thinned woods, bamboos generated from forest management, timber offcuts in sawmills and sawdusts are available for fuel.
  • Possible to alleviate the environment loading dramatically because the fossil fuel is not used.

Usage Recommodations

Nursing care insurance facilities, welfare facilities, hot bath facilities, sawmills, plastic greenhouses, etc., where drying and heating are required.

Installation Records

  • Possible usage application: for the use of retaining warmth to hot wells in a hot spring.

    A lot of hot spring towns in Japan exist in mountainous areas. For these areas, effective utilization of thinned wood was a big issue. On the other hand, it is indispensable to keep hot water in a public warm-bathing facility, which often uses a large amount of heavy oil or kerosene. Meiwa's biomass burner has a high possibility to solve the issues at the same time.

  • To switch the fuel for burner of ironworks from heavy oil to wood chips. (Assumed use example)

    In some ironworks in Southeast Asia, heavy oil burners are used on a daily basis. In the country importing oil resources from other countries, heavy oil gets never cheap. Meanwhile, because it is a tropical region, biomass resources are abundant, and the price of pellets and wood chips is less than half that of Japan. Under this situation, this steelworks plant has great expectations for Meiwa's biomass burner.


Biomass BurnerWaste Oil Burner
Standard fuelWoody chips or pellets (Size: 5 ~ 10[mm],
water content less than 22%, bulk specific gravity : approx. 0.3, ash content less than 5%.)
Vegetable oil, tempura oil, lubricating oil, engine oil, etc.
Combustion Ability [kW]Approx. 14.9~93.0[kW] (12,800 ~ 80,000[kcal/h])
※changable by feed amount of fuel
Approx. 116 [kW] (100,000[kcal/h])
ApplicationHouse heating, boiler, drying, heat source for carbonization equipment, etc.