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About Meiwa Co., Ltd.

Meiwa Co., Ltd. is a technology-oriented Japanese company, aiming to achieve sustainable world by altering organic waste into biochar for agricultural and energy use. With its unique technologies co-developed with prominent research institutes and ministries ranging from Tokyo University to Ministry of Environment, Meiwa aspires to a leading SME* that promotes mutual sustainable development of Japan and developing countries.

Year of incorporation1971
RepresentativePresident Takamasa Ueno
Capital stockJPY 64,661,000
Number of employees38 (as of June 2018)
Headquarters3-8-1, Minato, Kanazawa-city, Ishikawa, Japan
BranchesKumamoto, Miyazaki, Okinawa
Shareholding companiesHaruki Seisaku Co., Ltd.(Kumamoto, Japan)
Main business areaAgriculture / Environment / Waste / Renewable Energy / Freezing Concentration
Main productsDust collectors, biomass carbonization plants, methane fermentation plants, wastewater treatment systems, freezing concentration equipment, rice husk expansion softening equipment, etc.
CertificatesISO9001 certificate MSA-QS-4363
ISO14001 certificate MSA-ES-1545

Company's History

1964Founded as an ironwork in Kanazawa
1965Institutionalized as Meiwa Tekko Kyodai Shokai.
Entered into pollution prevention industry
1969Started developing desulfurization device
1971Changed its corporate name to Meiwa Tekko Co., Ltd.
1973Developed and started selling dust collectors for dry storage facilities for rice and wheat
1976Installed the first drying storage plant for grain crops
1984Installed the first dry-type dust collector with bag filter
1987Changed its corporate name to Meiwa Co., Ltd.
Opened a branch in Kumamoto Prefecture
1992Installed the first follow-up scrubber as an option for dust collector
1993Installed the first pesticide-containing wastewater treatment system "Izu-Shimizu"
1996Installed the first carbonization plant for rice husk "Black Ace"
1999Installed the first rice husk expansion machine "Rub Stone"
2001Installed the first crushing, drying and carbonization plant
2002Installed the first drying, carbonization and deodorization plant
2003Installed the first lateral-type rotary kiln carbonization plant
Installed the first pellet stove
2004Installed the first batch-type small carbonization machine "Batch Cutter"
Installed a biogas generation plant in China, supplying 380 households with cooking gas
Opened branches in Hokkaido, Miyazaki and Okinawa Prefectures
2005Installed the first carbonization machine in Taiwan (Industrial Technology Research Institute)
2006Installed the first carbonization plant for rice husk in South Korea
2011Moved its headquarters to Minato, Kanazawa
2016Launched International Development Division for export/overseas business
2017Obtained ISO9001/14001 Certifications


Address :3-8-1, Minato, Kanazawa-city, Ishikawa, Japan 920-0211

How to access

From Tokyo to Kanazawa

By train (Approx. 2.5 – 3 hours): Take Hokuriku-Shinkansen (Kagayaki or Hakutaka) from Tokyo Station or Ueno Station.
By air (Approx. 1 hour + 40 min by shuttle bus): The closest airport is Komatsu Airport. Currently, multiple flights from Haneda and one flight from Narita are daily available. See the latest information at the following website:

From Kanazawa to Meiwa’s office

Take taxi from Kanazawa Station to go to Minato 3-8-1. It takes about 20 - 30 minutes from the station. Feel free to contact us in advance for the direction or transportation arrangement.